Teta, Alf Marra

Teta, Alf Marra Arabic for Grandma, A Thousand Times is a documentary film about a feisty Beiruti grandmother.

The film is a poetic documentary that puts a feisty Beiruti grandmother at the center of brave film exercises designed to commemorate her many worlds before they are erased by the passage of time and her eventual death.Teta Fatima is the 83yearold matriarch of the Kaabour family and the sharpwitted queen bee of an old Beiruti quarter. With great intimacy, the film documents her largerthanlife character as she struggles to cope with the silence of her oncebuzzing house and imagines what awaits her beyond death. Meanwhile, her beloved violinist husband deceasedyears is both an essential absence and presence. His features manifest through the face of their filmmaker grandson while his previously unpublished violin improvisations weave through her world and that of the film. Teta, Alf Marra brings together grandfather, grandmother and grandson in a playful documentary that aims to defy a past death and a future one. ........

Source: Wikipedia